
jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

El tercer capítulo del fanfic.

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Original 'Twilight' to be re-released night before sequel 'New Moon' opens

Wanting to capitalize on the teen vampire movie craze it stirred last year, Summit Entertainment is planning to re-release "Twilight" in more than 2,000 theaters on Nov. 19, the night before the arrival of the highly anticipated sequel, "The Twilight Saga: New Moon."

Summit's distribution executives have been in conversations with the nation's theater owners about a one-night-only screening of "Twilight" at 9:00 p.m. or 9:30 p.m. just prior to the 12:01 a.m. showings of "New Moon." Plans are just now being formalized, according to one person with knowledge of the matter, who said that exhibitors (who naturally have dollar signs in their eyes) are very high on the idea.

"Twilight" will likely wind up playing in many of the same theaters that will have those midnight screenings of "New Moon."
Released last November, "Twilight," the first film based on Stephenie Meyer's bestselling book series, became a runaway hit both in theaters and on DVD. The vampire movie, which stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as chaste lovers, grossed $383.5 million at the worldwide box office and is this year's top-selling DVD, with about 8 million units sold in the U.S. and Canada alone.

Even though the film is out on DVD, Summit is banking on herds of bloodthirsty teens coming back out for the social experience of sitting in a darkened theater, especially as excitement builds for "New Moon." For theater owners, the two-for could be a huge windfall.

This would mark the second time Summit has re-released "Twilight" on the big screen. In July, the movie had a one-night-only theatrical release during the annual Comic-Con Convention in San Diego on the night before the studio showed exclusive footage of "New Moon" there.

"Ulalume: Howling at New Moon."

Tomorrow night at 9pm, MTV airs its first-ever Halloween special, "Ulalume: Howling at New Moon." As you might imagine, the November 20 release of "New Moon" will be getting a lot of attention during the special. Expect cast members to pop up throughout the hour-long television event.
Of course, the highlight for many of you will come when "
Twilight" stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner step into the spotlight to debut a brand new clip from "New Moon." And since the clip is already in-house and being processed for your viewing pleasure, we couldn't help but grab a couple stills to share with you here on

Los lincátropos de New Moon

Nos metemos en el mundo de los licántropos, la manada de hombres lobo a la que pertenece Jacob (Launtner) y que completan Paul, Sam Uley, Embry y Jared. El propio Taylor nos habla de sus compañeros, de la gran unión de la manada y promete que Luna Nueva estará en "un siguiente nivel"

Alex Meraz, el joven actor que da vida a Paul, el más irritable de los lobos (al que Bella cruza la cara de un puñetazo) que habla del acuerdo entre los lobos y los Cullen: "si ellos no matan en nuestro terreno, nosotros no los matamos".

También habla Chaske Spencer, que interpreta a Sam Uley, el líder de la manada que, entre otras cosas, revela como los lobos se comunican con la mente. Y, como no, Kristen Stewart que asegura que el gran protagonismo de los licántropos y su mundo "más animal y violento" hará de Luna Nueva una película "muy diferente".

También tenemos declaraciones del equipo técnico. Entre ellos el director, Chris Weitz, que asegura que el mundo de los licántropos es un mundo de "cosas increíbles", el supervisor de efectos especiales de la película, Phil Tippett, y otros responsables técnicos que nos dan unas pinceladas sobre cómo se creó a Jacob y al resto de lobos y la tecnología empleada para sus transformaciones y escenas de acción.

Precisamente eso es lo que promete Luna Nueva, mucha acción, aunque para ver el resultado final habrá que esperar todavía 19 días, hasta el próximo 18 de noviembre cuando haga su esperada aparición en los cines españoles la secuela de Crepúsculo.

Antes sus protagonistas estarán en Madrid. Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart y Taylor Lautner visitarán España el próximo día 12 y aprovecharán para encontrarse con sus fans en un multitudinario evento que parece tendrá lugar en el Palacio de Vista Alegre.

Taylor Lautner ya sufre el peso de la fama como Robert Pattinson

El actor Taylor Lautner, uno de los protagonistas de la saga Crepúsculo, no había sido demasiado presionado por la prensa. Al menos hasta ahora. Su creciente fama en Luna Nueva, segunda entrega de la saga, hizo que fuera más visto que antes. Pero ahora, confirmada su relación con la estrella del country Taylor Swift, todo cambió.

Ahora la prensa sigue cada uno de los movimientos del joven actor. Que ve reflejado hasta el último detalle de su día a día en numerosos medios de todo el mundo.
Desde una cita para ir a ver un partido de hockey sobre hielo hasta una cena con su chica. En todo momento tiene una verdadera bandada de fotógrafos a las puertas de los establecimientos en los que se encuentra. Tanto, que en ocasiones Taylor Lautner se pone algo nervioso. Y, como se ve en la foto, no le entra bien la marcha atrás. ¿Serán nervios por tanto acoso o por su chica?
El caso es que Taylor Lautner tendrá que acostumbrarse pronto a lo que Robert Pattinson y Kristen Stewart llevan viviendo desde hace meses.

Y lo que les queda… Ya que con Eclipse, la tercera parte aún en rodaje, y que verá la luz en cines en 2010 y una última entrega literaria que posiblemente se dividirá en dos partes (Amanecer), Taylor Lautner tendrá fama para rato.

Rob Pattinson likes being mortal

When Robert Pattinson's character, Cedric Diggory, was ruthlessly slain in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - thereby ending his brief, but magical spell at Hogwarts - it could so easily have been curtains for his fledgling career. Instead, it acted as the catalyst for a grander fantasy, as he was propelled from bit-part wizard to vampire lead Edward Cullen in the film adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's best-selling teen-tome, Twilight.

In doing so, not only has Pattinson starred in two of the biggest fantasy franchises in film history - a huge coup for any aspiring actor - but he's also become one of Hollywood's hottest new stars and a pin-up for hordes of adoring, teenage girls.

Accordingly, his life's become a whirl of crazed, Twilight fans loitering outside his home, the paparazzi preying upon his every move and being mobbed whenever he appears in public. It's a predicament he's struggling to cope with.

"Every time I go out, no matter where I am, people just go completely nuts! It's unreal," he says, shaking his head in disbelief. "When I started doing this, I knew the books were big in America but it keeps surprising me how much bigger everything's getting! Every time I see physical manifestations of it, like fans going wild, my brain can't process it, because it's just too weird.

"One of the weirdest days was when we started shooting New Moon at this high school, in Canada. The school was still open, so there were kids everywhere," recalls Pattinson. "We did this scene, where we were just walking around the corridors but, after every take, all the kids started applauding. It was the same whenever a class came out after a lesson: they'd all clap. That was really bizarre - one of the strangest days ever."

He's also bemused by the frequent comparisons made between him, Jude Law and Leonardo DiCaprio - who personally endorsed Pattinson's burgeoning career and teen heartthrob status by declaring; "finally there's someone to take that burden off me".

"When I heard Leonardo DiCaprio had said that, I just thought; 'Wow, that's so cool,' because that guy's had the best career of any young actor," enthuses Pattinson. "You can virtually guarantee anything he's in will be good. That's the type of career I'd like to have too."
He's beginning to, with a series of diverse roles including portraying Salvador Dali in Little Ashes, a biopic of the legendary Spanish artist, playing an angst-ridden 20-something in the acclaimed How to Be and starring alongside Pierce Brosnan in Remember Me. But, for the moment, Pattinson's world revolves around New Moon and Eclipse, the next two instalments of the Twilight chronicles.

Vampires Daries

New Moon Pictures
New Moon Pictures
New Moon Pictures